Eludo the Alchemist

Location: Kleya City

Magical Power Recovery 2   Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv100, Wizard

Defeat the monsters on the list so that Eludo will teach you a skill to recover your magical powers by using up stamina.

Objectives: Leopard x10, Tetro x10, Gemic x5, Dead Bones x1


Eludo the Alchemist - Kleya City

Kreis Heal Lv 2   Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv110, Cleric

Defeat the monsters to acquire the skill.

Objectives: Kijimu x15, Leopard x10, Tri-Tail x5


Eludo the Alchemist - Kleya City

Potion Delivery   Side Quest

Requirement: Lv 60

Deliver the potion from Eludo at the general store in Kleya to Rizlo at the general store in Saterica


Rewards: 2 000 exp, ★Capital city Saterica x2

Eludo the Alchemist - Kleya City